Carat Leader – KL е фискално устройство, в което са реализирани съвременни принципи за изграждане на електронни касови апарати. Интуитивният потребителски интерфейс клавиатура – графичен операторски (128х64 точков) дисплей предоставя на потребителя изключителна функционалност, съчетана с гъвкавост и удобство за работа във всички работни..
Carat Mobica KL е мобилен касов апарат с фискална памет, вграден КЛЕН и Данъчен терминал за връзка с НАП, който отговаря на изискванията на Наредба № Н-18 на Министерство на финансите на Република България.
Касовия апарат се използва лесно в магазини, аптеки и ресторанти със захранване 220 V. Чрез добавяне на акумулаторна батерия (опци..
Carat Digitron M is an alternating current static electricity meter for active energy – single phase four tariff. The tariffs of the power meter are switched over by an installed internal electronic clock, optical interface, or 20 mA current loop interface.
Carat Digitron M 01 is an alternating current four tariff static electricity meter for active energy – single phase. The tariffs of the power meter are switched over by an installed internal electronic clock, 20 mA current loop interface; indication for opening top cover.
Carat Digitron M 02 is an alternating current four tariff static electricity meter for active energy – single phase. The tariffs of the power meter are switched over by an installed internal electronic clock, optical interface; indication for opening of the cover.
Carat Digitron M 03 is an alternating current four tariff static electricity meter for active energy – single phase. The power meter has a relay output for switching over the tariffs of other power meters, optical interface; indication for opening of the cover.
Carat Digitron M 04 is an alternating current four tariff static electricity meter for active energy – single phase. The model has an inbuilt 100 A relay for switching on and off the power supply of the consumer, 20 mA current loop interface; indication for opening of the cover.
Carat Digitron M 05 is an alternating current four tariff static electricity meter for active energy – single phase. The tariffs of the power meter are switched over by an installed internal electronic clock, two independent interfaces - 20 mA current loop interface and optical interface; indication for opening top cover.
Carat Digitron M 06 is an alternating current four tariff static electricity meter for active energy – single phase. The tariffs of the power meter are switched over by an installed internal electronic clock, two independent interfaces - 20 mA current loop interface and optical interface; installed 100 A relay for “switching on” a..